The main roles of the Technical Working groups include;
  1. Preparation of technical workplans including the resource requirements
  2. Review of progress/preparation of progress reports
  3. Seek to ensure Working Group (WG) function and are supported and productive
  4. Seek overlap and hence co-opts members as necessary

Specific Roles
The team is expected to strengthen relevant skills to coordinate systems development, implementation and deployment. This will also include sustaining and monitoring the Digital Health eco-system. The specific roles of the TWG are:

  1. Develop relevant documents /policy guidelines/strategies to guide the digital health in the country. These will include but not limited to;
    1. Finalization of the e-health strategy
    2. Dissemination of systems user manuals (ensure availability to the users)
    3. Development of the master facility List (MFL), Master Persons Index (Unique identifier) and integration Engine
    4. Develop the System Data Dictionary (Meta data) and nationally recognized standards for adopting and implementing information systems.
  2. Institutionalize knowledge translation platforms bringing together researchers and policy makers to foster uptake of research evidence in policy
  3. Establishment of one Integrated DHIS2 system as the default reporting system with other systems exporting data to it.
  4. Development of EMRs following global best practice and as per the defined country SOPs
  5. Enhance Integration and Interoperability of the existing systems
  6. Establishment of a health data repository and linkage with Africa Health observatory
  7. Development of plans for development of the Health Information system infrastructure.
  8. Capacity Building and Technical assistance to health teams at both National and District level on key relevant areas of Digital Health