The TWG will comprise a leadership team, a steering group, and key persons from interested partners, with support from a secretariat as follows:

  • The Working Group will be led by representatives from MoHW and WHO.
  • The Steering Group will include representatives from key digital health implementing partners.
  • The wider membership of the working group will be open to all persons willing to participate in the formulation and achievement of working group deliverables.

As resources allow, a secretariat will be established to support the TWG. The functions of the secretariat may fluctuate over time depending on resources provided. At minimum, the secretariat will help the TWG convene meetings and track progress toward deliverables. The secretariat will also provide technical input into the emerging digital health issues.

Appointment of the TWG Chairperson
The Chairperson of this TWG shall be the any technical lead person from any institution partnering with the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

The Chairperson in his absence appoints a Co-Chairperson to preside over meetings

TWG Secretary
Committee secretarial services will be rendered by the Ministry of Health and Wellness and an implementing partner.

Standing TWG Members
The standing committee members are as listed below;

  • Representative - MoHW
  • Representative - Line Ministries
  • Representative - Partners
  • Representative - NGOs
  • Representative - Private sector
  • Representative - Training/Academic Institutions

The Chairperson of the Committee may invite others to attend meetings or to make submissions

In cases of prolonged leave periods an alternative for the member will be arranged. No representative is required in a case where a member will be absent from one meeting.

TWG Members Conduct
It is expected that:

  1. The conduct of the TWG members shall always be consistent with its role and mandate.
  2. The members shall be disciplined, focused and always act in a prudent manner when carrying out its role.
  3. The TWG's discussions shall be open, constructive, civil and orderly.
  4. Discussions at TWG meetings shall be transparent to all members unless a specific directive has been issued to the contrary.

Expectations of Committee Members
It is expected of TWG Members to:

  1. Be committed to the TWG and shall not serve their personal interests in the discharge of their responsibilities as members.
  2. Exercise utmost good faith, honesty and integrity in their dealings and must act independently of any outside fetter or instruction.
  3. Avoid acting or dealing with the TWG matters for personal profiting, benefit, without necessarily comprising a matter of a financial nature.
  4. Strive always to attend all meetings. Members who are unable to attend any meeting shall advise the Chairperson in advance.
  5. Study TWG submissions and other documents in preparation for meetings.

Management of Meeting Papers
The Chairperson of the meeting is responsible to compile the agenda for the meeting and forward it together with the committee pack to the committee members at least a day (1) before a meeting is held;

  • A set of action minutes, shall be kept by the TWG Secretary and be circulated to members within one (1) working day after the date of the meeting.
  • In a case where consensus cannot be reached on the matter under consideration, the TWG Secretary must keep a comprehensive set of minutes detailing the differing views and opinions.
  • The TWG Secretary shall keep a record of all the TWG Agendas, TWG Submissions, Action Minutes and presentations.
  • TWG Meetings
    The TWG shall meet as frequently as required depending on the technical tasks at hand. The team will however be expected to have at least a minimum of monthly meetings. The technical working group shall have several tasks based on the TWG’s workplan. The Group shall report to the BHDC steering committee.